June 9: The first few days

So we have three days under our belt, but this was really the first day that the magnitude of what we are doing has hit me. The first night we went to Block Island, but we do that all the time in the summer, and we were hurting from our send-off the previous night, so nothing felt ”different”. The second night we stayed in Norwalk, but we used to live there for 15 years, so again nothing new. But today we’ve been bobbing like a cork in New York harbor, next to Ellis Island which offers no protection from the multitude of ferries that make this harbor look like a waterborne anthill. Luckily, the crew of the Razor’s Edge actually prefers sleeping in such conditions. Makes you feel alive…

4 responses to “June 9: The first few days”

  1. Correction: “like A waterborne anthill.” From a self-proclaimed grammatician, I expected more. I will be bringing this incident up with Lynn at Thanksgiving.