Aug 20: Georgian Bay – ”My Bad”

It’s difficult to sum up a month of boating in the Georgian Bay and Northern Channel, so I’ll be uploading some footage of a few cool places where we ‘chilled the most’. Hopefully, you are watching on a computer and NOT a phone, so you get a better feel for our “cinematography”.

A couple quick notes:

1) this video had to be split into 2 pcs. Sorry. (Trust me, it bothers me too).
2) the intro was filmed late at night after a few beers at the Pink Pony, so, ya know…we do the best we can…

4 responses to “Aug 20: Georgian Bay – ”My Bad””

  1. That’s some excellent work. That drone was high up there. Dinghy challenges, rock climbing, bonfire to deter rattle snakes and other predators intent on menacing a scraggy, microwaved cordon bleu stuffed interloper. That area seems hard to beat for recreation of that nature. Not sure how you bring yourself to move on at times.